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Ornamental Varieties

Family: Amaranthaceae

Various members of this genus are big and bold and cope better with heat than many traditional annuals. Ornamental types are are grown for their flamboyantly coloured foliage or flower heads.

Some types of Amaranth are grown as vegetables or grain. Some of the vegetable types also have coloured foliage and/or seed heads and can be quite ornamental, too.

Other Information Online

Amaranths An overview. Colorado State University
Amaranths: Oldies But Goodies Colorado State University
Amaranthus tricolor Missouri Botanical Garden
Summer poinsettia yields flashy color (Amaranthus tricolor) Mississippi State University
Amaranthus caudatus 'Fat Spike' The Herb Society of America
Love-Lies-Bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus) Washington State University
Love Lies Bleeding Tassel flower, Amaranthus caudatus. Cornell University
Love-Lies-Bleeding Amaranthus caudatus. Whatcom County Extension, Washington State University

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