Information & resources about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld

Help for Beginners

Some thoughts for beginners

1. Start small, within a defined area, or even a single potted plant.
2. Expect to have a few failures. That's part of gardening.
2. You won't have to be scared of kiling it if it didn't cost much to begin with.
3. Don't distain "common" plants. They are likely to be easy to grow and inexpensive to buy.
4. Do buy properly labelled plants from reputable suppliers.

Easy and inexpensive ways to increase your general gardening knowledge

1. Gardening broadcasts (TV, radio) and websites. Books and magazines borrowed from the library
2. Friends and relatives. Ask them to show you around their gardens.
3. Take walks around the neighbourhood. Get design ideas and see what grows well in your areas.
4. Visit your local garden centre. Familiarise yourself with the plants available. Some may have printed factsheets or hold workshops
5. Events staged by local garden clubs and community groups offer displays, talks, demonstration and advice for a modest entry fee. Could also be a source of cheap plants.

On this website, a range of subjects are covered. Begin at the Getting Started page, or try Search if you have a particular interest.
More to come in future updates

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