Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld |
Banksias and HakeasBanksia species and cultivars, Hakea speciesFamily: ProteaceaeBanksiasBanksias are not grown in home gardens as often as some other groups of Australian native plants, but they're worth considering especially if you live on the soil types where Banksias tend to occur naturally.The colours are subtle, but the dramatic forms would certainly work well with contemporary architecture and modernistic garden styles. Selected garden cultivars with improved horticultural characteristics are available in nurseries. Including the selected forms and hybrids, Banksias are available in a range of plant sizes from small trees to groundcovers. Some experimentation with different varieties may be required to find one that grows best in your situation. Some of the Banksias (and other members of Proteaceae) are very sensitive to Phosphorous, so take care with fertilisers. More information to come in future updates. In the meantime, check out the links at the bottom of the page. NEWS: Banksia causes buzz abroad There's excitement at the UK's Wakehurst Place (a branch of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) at the flowering of their Banksia montana. This is possibly the first time this has been achieved outdoors in that country. More information at the Kew website: Banksia flowers outdoors (Nov 2004) Other Information OnlineBanksias Australian National Botanic Gardens
The Banksia Page Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Please note: links to information on a range of species have been included for for general interest and research, but some may be unsuitable for Queensland conditions.
Banksia aemula - Wallum banksia Cooloola Coastcare
Wallum Banksia Banksia aemula (includes hints on how to distinguish it from B. serrata) Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Banksia ashbyi Waterwise Plants for Perth Gardens, Water Corporation
Banksia coccinea Waterwise Plants for Perth Gardens, Water Corporation
On the Brink - 10 (Banksia cuneata) Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Banksia ericifolia subsp. ericifolia Australian National Botanic Gardens
Heath Banksia (Banksia ericfolia) Western Power, West Australia
Plant Novelties: Banksia ericifolia Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden, California
Plants of the Kakadu region (incl. Banksia dentata) Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australia
Banksia integrifolia Species Bank, Department of the Environment and Water Resources
Coastal banksia (Banksia integrifolia) Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland (PDF)
Banksia integrifolia - Coastal banksia Cooloola Coastcare
Banksia integrifolia FloraBank
Logan City Council floral emblem (Banksia integrifolia, Coast Banksia
Banksia marginata The Australian Plants Society - SA Region Inc.
Banksia oblongifolia - Dwarf Banksia Cooloola Coastcare
Banksia oblongifolia by Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Banksia oblongifolia by Friends of Lane Cove National Park Inc. Sydney
Rusty Banksia (Banksia oliongifolia, Dwarf Banksia) Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Bayside Branch
Banksia ornata The Australian Plants Society - SA Region Inc.
Starlight's Banksia (B.paludosa subsp.astrolux) Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Banksia praemorsa Botany Photo of the Day, University of British Columbia Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research
Banksia prionotes Waterwise Plants for Perth Gardens, Water Corporation
Banksia robur - Swamp Banksia Cooloola Coastcare
Swamp Banksia (Banksia robur) Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Bayside Branch
Banksia robur Australian National Botanic Gardens
A Very Beaut Banksia! Banksia robur Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Banksia spinulosa - Golden Candlestick Cooloola Coastcare
Golden Candlesticks (Banksia spinulosa) Flora of Lamington National Park, Qld
Banksia spinulosa Australian National Botanic Gardens
Other Links
Banksia List - Species, subspecies & cultivars by Cas Liber
Banksias for Sydney The Australian Plants Society - NSW Region
Banksias - A View from Yallaroo New South Wales
Our Banksia Garden by Kevin Sparrow Warrnambool, Victoria
Australian Native Plants A Pruning Fact Sheet The Australian Plants Society - NSW Region
Growing Banksias in Northern Victoria Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Banksias and Drought Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Using Fertilisers in the Native Garden Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Phosphorus and Iron Nutrition in Australian Native Plants Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Phosphorus Needs of Some Australian Plants Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Phosphorus toxicity in native and proteaceous plants Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
The Propagation of Banksia Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Floriculture News, No 61, December 2003 The banksia feature in this issue contains articles on propagation, pruning, culture, pests & diseases. Dept of Agriculture, WA (PDF)
Banksias Discussion of Banksia production for cut flowers. Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (PDF)
HakeasHakeas Society for Growing Australian Plants Queensland Region, Inc.
Hakea laurina Pin-cushion Hakea The Florez Nursery blog, NSW
Hakea microcarpa FloraBank
Hakea sericea FloraBank
Warning: collection, destruction, propagation, movement, sale or purchase of any Australian native plant (including seeds or spores) may be subject to laws and regulations. Be sure to check with appropriate authorities before engaging in these activities, even on private property. Other laws may also apply to the treatment and movement of plant or soil material (for example, to control the spread of weeds, pests and diseases.)