Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld


Garden Wildlife

Many of the clubs and societies give talks and workshops to help you learn how to encourage native wildlife in your garden. Such events happening around Qld sometimes appear in the Gardening Events Diary.

Note that native wildlife is variously protected by law. Feral animals also have issues. Please check with authorities if you have any problems or questions about dealing with wildlife in your district.


More habitat secured for Brisbane koalas

Brisbane City Council has added a 52 hectare property at Burbank to Brisbane's Koala Bushlands, which has grown by more than 1,000 ha during 25 years of the Bushland Acquisition Program. The recent Burbank acquisition contains a large number of mature scribbly gums, which not only provide koala food, but can be expected to provide tree hollow habitats for many species. Source: Brisbane's Koala Bushlands grows by 1,000 hectares (November, 2015)

Plan for koalas

University of Queensland researchers have studied how tree cover and roads affected koala gene flow patterns across eight local government areas in SE Queensland. They found that "genetic connectivity" dropped rapidly once forest cover fell below 30 per cent. The presence of highways also had a dramatic effect. The findings indicate that forest cover and incorporation of habitat underpasses and bridges can help urban planners accommodate the needs of koalas. Source: Better urban planning can save koalas (March 2014)

Mine rehabilitation more than plants

Functional ecosystems include both plants and animals. A study of a rehabilitated sand-mining site on North Stradbroke Island has shown that areas revegetated with the most "success" did not necessarily attract koalas. On the other hand, some areas rated much lower with respect to flora were nevertheless being used by koalas. These findings indicate that fauna should be included when assessing the success of a rehabilitation project. Source: Koalas and mine site restoration (February 2013)

How to encourage birds in the city?

Environmental researchers from The University of Queensland have released a study suggesting urban birdlife can be better supported with compact development, provided suitable habitats can be retained in the form of parks and vegetated areas. Such habitats are not generally provided by urban sprawl. Source:Building bird-friendly cities (November 2012)

Native street trees benefit birds

A "world-first" study conducted in Canberra reveals that native street trees can have a significant effect on the number and diversity of bird species in the area. Exotic tree species, while having certain landscaping advantages, are not as good as eucalypts (especially large ones) in supporting birdlife, whether by food, shelter or nesting sites. Even though some management may be required to keep large eucalypts safe in a suburban environment, the researchers urge that the benefits to biodiversity be considered in vegetation planning. This includes proactively planting young trees to replace the large trees, which will eventually succumb to age. Source: Native street trees can boost birds' survival (November 2012)

Older news at bottom of page.

Other Information Online


Butterflies and butterfly gardening
Brisbane Insects and Spiders Home Page
Australian Native Bee Research Centre
Insects of Townsville, Plants of Townsville Assorted pictures
“Bee” aware of pollination in the vegetable garden  University of Florida (PDF)


Birds in Backyards Birds Australia and The Australian Museum
Birds Queensland The web site of the Queensland Ornithological Society Inc.
Birds Australia Southern Queensland
Birding Southern Queensland
BirdLife Northern Queensland
Bird Observers Club of Australia
Native Birds of Bulimba Creek Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee, Inc.
Parrot Society of Australia
Australian Bird Study Association Inc.
Cumberland Bird Observers' Club Sydney region
Native Gardens and Birds Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Stephen Bros Bird Seed Genuine Grey Stripe sunflower seed grown on Queensland's Darling Downs
Taming The Turkey ( the "lets get along" method) Save Our Waterways Now (Brisbane)
Brush-turkey Environmental Protection Agency, Qld
Australian brush turkey Department of Environment and Climate Change, NSW
The Australian Bush-turkey loses favour with Urban Cultivators Brisbane Rainforest Action & Information Network
How to discourage birds from flying into windows Extension Service Garden Hints, Oregon State University


RANA Frog group Inc (Restoring Australian Native Amphibia)
Queensland Frog Society
Frog Garden This blogger lives in Brisbane
Amphibian Research Centre
Frog and Tadpole Study group of NSW Inc
Gardening for Frogs Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands Inc
How to Build a Frog Pond - Knick Knack, Paddywack, Give a Frog a Home Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australia
Building a frog pond Wet Tropics Management Authority, Qld
Frog Decline Reversal Project, Inc. Far North Queensland
Frogs Tropical Topics Newsletter Vol 1 No. 3 July 1992, Environmental Protection Agency, Qld Govt
Mallows are Frog Favourites Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants



Bat Conservation & Rescue Qld. Inc.
Batty Friendly Planting Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands Inc
SydneyBats by Ku-ring-gai Bat Conservation Society Inc.
batcall directory

Gardens to attract wildlife in general

A Small Wildlife Garden Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Revegetating for Habitat in Parks, Gardens and Roadsides Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Design of the Keith Moore Habitat Garden Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
A Few Proven Magnets Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
Australian plants that attract wildlife Zoological Parks and Gardens Board, Victoria (PDF)
Exotic plants that attract wildlife Zoological Parks and Gardens Board, Victoria (PDF)
Growing plants to attract wildlife to your garden Save Our Waterways Now, Queensland (PDF)

Nest Boxes

Links about individual animals (above) may also contain information about nesting boxes or other habitat enhancements
Habitat Nest Boxes Ipswich city Council
Nest boxes for native wildlife Land For Wildlife, Queensland (PDF)
Nesting boxes for Australian animals Melbourne Wildlife Sanctuary, La Trobe University, Victoria
Nest boxes for wildlife Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
Nest boxes for native birds and mammals Zoological Parks and Gardens Board, Victoria (PDF)
Patterns of use of nest-boxes by forest vertebrates Australian National University
Nestboxes for Natives Birds Australia (PDF)
Loss of Hollow-bearing trees - proposed key threatening process listingDepartment of Environment & Climate Change (NSW)


The Hut Environmental and Community Association Inc (THECA)
Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management Look under "Publications" for information on rainforest fauna
The Rivermouth Action Group Inc Brisbane
Fauna Rescue of Queensland Assoc. Inc.
Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland
Catering for wildlife Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland (PDF)
Australian Museum Online factsheets
The Gould League
Wildlife of Sydney Australian Museum
Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo food plants Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands Inc

Older news

Bowerbirds are gardeners, too
Research carried out in Taunton National Park in Queensland has revealed a high number of Solanum ellipticum around bowerbird bowers. Seeds in the fruits used to decorate them appear to be germinating nearby after the fruits are discarded, assisted by the birds' prior clearing of grass and weeds from the area. The scientists believe this is first known example of a species, other than humans, cultivating non-food plants. The birds also seem to be selecting for plants with more ornamental properties, with plants near bowers bearing fruit of a preferred greener colour. Source: Birds cultivate decorative plants to attract mates (April 2012)

Farm revegetation a boon for birds
In a major study conducted across southern NSW, researchers observed encouraging increases in rare and endangered bird numbers on farms with flourishing native plantings and regrowth. Heavily grazed old-growth areas are less attractive to birds, probably due to the lack of an understory. The findings suggest a diverse range of habitats are desirable to support a diversity of bird species, and that regrowth does have conservation value in this respect. Source: Yes, Australia can save its native woodland birds (April 2012)

Weed saves bluetongues
Bluetongue lizards that feed on cane toads can be killed by their toxin, but it has been found that some populations are resistant. It appears that the invasive weed mother-of-millions, which they also eat, has an almost identical toxin. This drove natural selection for toxin-tolerance in areas where the weed grows. Source: Invasive plant protects Australian lizards from invasive toad: Study (February 2012)

Boom away birds
Tablelands Regional Council's Bird Frite program, which scares away birds with loud "booms", will be extended into urban Atherton to deal with cockatoos that have been causing substantial damage to local gum trees and subsequent mess. Source: Council to frighten away troublesome cockatoos (June 2011)

Old trees vital to forest ecosystems While some animals (e.g. woodpeckers) can actively create cavities in trees, a new study of birds and animals that use tree holes for nesting indicates that in Australia, Asia, South America and Europe, more than 75 percent of the holes they use are created by damage and decay. This process can take hundreds of years, highlighting the importance of retaining old, large trees in forest ecosystems. Source: Old, large, living trees must be left standing to protect nesting animals: UBC study (June 2011)

"Frogs Booklet" updated
A new version of the popular publication from Moreton Bay Regional Council is now available. It contains hints on how to help frogs plus photographs and descriptions of 35 species local to the Moreton Bay area. More information about obtaining the booklet here: Free Frog Booklet for Frog Fans. (October, 2008)

The dingo may be forestry's best friend
Researchers at Curtin University of Technology and Chemistry Centre WA may have found a new way to help protect reforestation areas from kangarros, wallabies and possums - fresh dingo urine. Presumably warning the animals that a predator is nearby (aged urine had no effect), the active chemicals could be used to develop wildlife-friendly deterrents and alternatives to the controversial 1080 poison used by the logging industry in Tasmania. Unfortunately for gardeners, trials suggested that the Brushtail Possum may be less susceptible than the other marsupials studied. More information Curtin University of Technology here: Dingo urine offers humane solution to kangaroo cull (June 2008)

Pollinators the focus of proposed Canadian park
The Guelph Pollination Initiative hopes that rehabiliation of a local landfill site into a habitat for birds and insects will provide a model for other pollination parks. Decline in pollinator numbers threaten future agricultural production worldwide. More information from the University of Guelph here: For the Bees and Birds and here: Conference Looks at Turning Landfill Into World's First Pollination Park and (March 2008)

Warning: collection, destruction, propagation, movement, sale or purchase of any Australian native plant (including seeds or spores) may be subject to laws and regulations. Be sure to check with appropriate authorities before engaging in these activities, even on private property. Other laws may also apply to the treatment and movement of plant or soil material (for example, to control the spread of weeds, pests and diseases.)

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