Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld


Hibbertia species

species, hybrids and cultivars

Other Common Names: Golden Guinea Flower, Climbing Guinea Flower, Snake Vine
Family: Dilleniaceae

Hibbertia scandens is the most widely grown species and widely available. It's a climber but is often grown as a groundcover. A number of other small Hibbertia

Hibbertia scandens was the featured plant in the 18-02-2022 edition of Get Results Gardening, a weekly publication for Australians via email. When you request a free trial (go for more information), you can ask for a copy of the 18-02-2022 edition if you want to see the hibbertia article (Australian residents only).

Hibbertia in the Landscape

Click for larger images.

Hibbertia scandens Hibbertia scandens Hibbertia scandens
Hibbertia scandens Hibbertia scandens Hibbertia scandens

Hibbertia scandens

Looking for more information about growing hibbertia in Queensland? Due to the demise of online advertising and the risk of appropriation by AI bots and others, most of the in-depth information intended for these webpages is now being directed towards the email publication (mini-magazine) Get Results Gardening. If you live in Australia, ask for a free trial. Go to for more information. At the same time, you can ask for a copy of the 18-02-2022 edition, which contained an article about hibbertia.

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