Information about plants & gardens for Brisbane & Qld



X. chrysanthus (Golden Penda) and other Xanthostemon species

Family: Myrtaceae


New floral emblem for Bundaberg

The Golden Penda has been selected as the Bundaberg region's floral emblem. Besides the attractiveness of the flowers and foliage, its ease of cultivation in the region's conditions and the suitability of the tree for both private and public spaces was taken into consideration when making the decision. Golden Penda blossoms as Region's Floral Emblem (March 2014)

Gold for Gin Gin

Bruce Highway realignment provides new trees for picturesque Gin Gin entrance Palms removed from Gin Gin due to roadworks will be replaced with five advanced Golden Pendas (Xanthostemon chrysanthus) in a more suitable position. (July 2013)

Myrtle rust a threat to Xanthostemons

This disease attacks a wide variety of plants in the family Myrtaceae. It was first detected in NSW in 2010, but has since been identified in Qld. The extent of the host range is still being investigated, but Xanthostemon chrysanthus has been included in the list of known hosts. For more information on the disease and up-to-date information concerning reporting obligations and quarantine restrictions, visit Biosecurity Queensland, the Myrtle Rust website (NSW Department of Primary Industries), or contact the relevant authority in your state or territory. (February 2011)

Xanthostemon in the Landscape

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Xanthostemon_chrysanthus Xanthostemon_chrysanthus  Xanthostemon_chrysanthus
Xanthostemon chrysanthus

Xanthostemon verticillatus Xanthostemon verticillatus
Xanthostemon verticillatus

Warning: collection, destruction, propagation, movement, sale or purchase of any Australian native plant (including seeds or spores) may be subject to laws and regulations. Be sure to check with appropriate authorities before engaging in these activities, even on private property. Other laws may also apply to the treatment and movement of plant or soil material (for example, to control the spread of weeds, pests and diseases.)

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